Thursday, September 16, 2010

Radiates my Soul

She sits and plays

Music radiates

Life springs new

Deep inside me

I don't ask why

She changes everything

I just accept it

And embrace her

There in the moment

My heart cries

Tears of happiness

In her eyes

She doesn't fumble

Or change her mind

She follows the rhythm

Line by line

It happens automatically

With talent and ease

In her mind

She lets it be

Sometimes spontaneously

Other times she composes

The music and lyrics

For hours or days

Knowing best

What sounds sweet

She often makes it up

As she goes along

It is to be enjoyed

The purpose of it

I do more than enjoy it

I do more than idly attend

It becomes me

I become it

It always makes me happy

To hear her make guitar sounds

I often quietly walk by

As not to disturb

Does she know I am listening

I hope she knows I care

That her music changes everything

It rearranges me into myself

Time after time

She radiates my life

The sweetness touches me in ways I never knew

She touches me there to

It calls me forth

I don't question why

I eagerly pursue

This sweet life

It is enough

I let it be

Taking only and exactly

What I need

The music

Has no limits

No boundaries

No stopping points

It travels far inside me

To the very center of my soul

It isn't hard to tell

That she fits me so well

But I only say thank you

As I couldn't be more grateful

For the beauty she brings

And the healing that springs

I don't think of it

Not anymore

How I used to be

With her



Closing the door

Trying hard to forget

As she never

Gave up on me

And I learned how

To let her in

Let her be

In love with me

And all the healing too

As she changed everything

Became exactly what I need

And I to her

It has been a long road

And we have learned

We both finally see

How being in love can be

What has always been

Right before us

But now we can accept it

All for what it is

Accept each other too

Open and honest

Full of love and life

Music radiating from deep inside

As life changes you

For the better

But Love makes you become

Who you already are