Thursday, February 21, 2013

Green Handed Brother

Charles David Lyon
Was a master of nature
He died doing what he loved most
Fishing outdoors in the ocean

He was a beautiful Friend
Master of making things grow

He had a green hand
Planting many trees and crops
He loved to watch them grow
Proud of his accomplishments

He was an amazing teacher

He could pick up almost anything
Just by watching someone else
He was so intelligent
So wise

He loved everyone he knew
With his full self
His full heart
He didn't hold back

Life was hard for Chuck
So he spent much in turmoil
But even his fear and anger
Couldn't completely conceal his true heart

And in the end
He learned how to use it right
He became who he already was
He found himself

He found love and light
And a true purpose
He healed himself
And the joy in his heart grew

It overcame all his fears and doubts
Turned him into
The person we knew him to be
Loving and kind

Chuck would have our love no matter what
As we always saw this side of him
Or at least knew it was there
Even if it was not easily accessible

No matter
Chuck is at peace now
I am grateful that at least
He saw himself like I did

So that all of his suffering wasn't for not
He learned what he came to learn
And being the bright light he always was
Diminished quickly

Gone but still here
Never forgotten
Leaving behind so many he touched
Our Chuck

Losing Chuck

You don’t know what it is like
The gravity of how it feels
Until you are strapped in it
Deep inside the pain of it

Trying to break free
From the chains of reality
Unable to understand
How you got here anyhow

It doesn’t seem real
You question its truth
But it doesn’t feel like
It’s ever going to end

Trying to understand
Where to go?
And how to feel now
It seems so hopeless

Endless tears and emotions full
Life is not for those who have passed
But it leaves us feeling empty
And sorrowful

Harrowing experiences
Push us to the brink
Where we question our purpose now
And what it is we want from our lives

We have to ask ourselves
What would Chuck want?
As he remains a part of us
Loving and living in each of us

Choosing to honor him
We learn how honor ourselves
But even laughter feels like a betrayal
Keeping us tied to our grief

It springs up everywhere
There are many people mourning
Holding our hands
Keeping us where we need to be

He has touched so many
And they all want to know
What happened?
And what they can do now

Many others feel sorrow
Just on hearing the news
It isn’t something you can share
Only tell

They don’t get it
Don’t understand
How could they?
They try anyway

Even those who have lost
Don’t get what it is like
Unless you have had an amazing brother
Vanish from your sight

Is it worth it?
I question cause the answer is hard to find
I want to know but feel left behind

Can it accomplish mighty deeds?
It didn’t save my brother
Oh how I wish my love for him
Would have taken him to safety

At least he knew
Without a shadow of a doubt
How I felt about him
How we all did

How we love him still
With all our whole self
As he is deep inside us
A major part of us

This part goes on
Residing strong inside
We will carry it forever
Carry him

He is not lost
Only from our eyes
Our hearts burst
With love and might for him

We will be reunited
When we ourselves have done what we came to do
Happiest of days to see our Chuck again
He’ll be a wise soul ready to lead us by then

For my life
My heart
My Chuck
I love you

Losing Chuck

You don’t know what it is like
The gravity of how it feels
Until you are strapped in it
Deep inside the pain of it

Trying to break free
From the chains of reality
Unable to understand
How you got here anyhow

It doesn’t seem real
You question its truth
But it doesn’t feel like
It’s ever going to end

Trying to understand
Where to go?
And how to feel now
It seems so hopeless

Endless tears and emotions full
Life is not for those who have passed
But it leaves us feeling empty
And sorrowful

Harrowing experiences
Push us to the brink
Where we question our purpose now
And what it is we want from our lives

We have to ask ourselves
What would Chuck want?
As he remains a part of us
Loving and living in each of us

Choosing to honor him
We learn how honor ourselves
But even laughter feels like a betrayal
Keeping us tied to our grief

It springs up everywhere
There are many people mourning
Holding our hands
Keeping us where we need to be

He has touched so many
And they all want to know
What happened?
And what they can do now

Many others feel sorrow
Just on hearing the news
It isn’t something you can share
Only tell

They don’t get it
Don’t understand
How could they?
They try anyway

Even those who have lost
Don’t get what it is like
Unless you have had an amazing brother
Vanish from your sight

Is it worth it?
I question cause the answer is hard to find
I want to know but feel left behind

Can it accomplish mighty deeds?
It didn’t save my brother
Oh how I wish my love for him
Would have taken him to safety

At least he knew
Without a shadow of a doubt
How I felt about him
How we all did

How we love him still
With all our whole self
As he is deep inside us
A major part of us

This part goes on
Residing strong inside
We will carry it forever
Carry him

He is not lost
Only from our eyes
Our hearts burst
With love and might for him

We will be reunited
When we ourselves have done what we came to do
Happiest of days to see our Chuck again
He’ll be a wise soul ready to lead us by then

For my life
My heart
My Chuck
I love you