Sunday, June 30, 2013

Foolish Love

Interactive love
Admiration truth
I miss it
Don't get it

So walled up around you
I don't remember the sting
Of love -  you
Loving you

I don't feel my heart beat
I can't let it be
I tried for a while
On and off for years

But now
My brother died
You didn't stir
So I give up

I can't expect you to ever care
I really am a fool
Why do you affect me so?
I mustn't let it!

Letting go
I swear I try every day
I haven't given up yet

Is this still the problem?
My refusal to let it be
Let you be
Let me be

I don't know
I wish I could run away
Like my favorite heroine
She got to leave

But no not me
I have to pretend
You didn't move closer to me
That you aren't out there

Around the corner
Never in sight
Never there
Except always in my mind

I am reevaluating everything
It seems I have been beat
But I don't mind
I never expected you to come through

You never have
Why would you start now?
Reach past your fear?
Be who you are?

I try to forget
How it feels to love you
I try and remain anonymous in my own life
I try and pretend anything else

It never works
You haunt me
Between every space in my mind
You appear

It forces me to see it
It forces me to change
It makes me admit it
Against my own desire or fear

I suppose gratitude is the desired emotional response
I am however still afraid
Afraid to love you
Or be loved by you

But no matter how deep I go
No matter how fast I run
You spring up from the ground
Keeping in step with me

I have out run you
I have made you go away
But you only reappear 
Every time any song gets played

The songs echo in my mind
And you flash back for a time
When things were great
You were strong

I have tried to end it all
Between you and me
But yet you persist
Strongly and budgingly inside me

It makes me realize
There's more to tell
As if it were done
I would not revisit this or be trapped inside

So then I come to a new place
A place where I am stronger
A place where I can handle it
Handle you

It all pushes me
To see it differently
So instead of giving up
I change

Letting go of my wounded state
Trying to bring forth
What's to come
And me

Without the pain
Distant and dull
But yet still aching
In between the absence of you, space and time

Time has past
At last I am more different
The most different I have been
Maybe almost healed

Or close
Close enough to want my life back
Or at least what's coming
Nothing I can see clearly yet

But my dear
I would have to admit
That you are a fool
As much as I am

As if you would have been patient
And waited with hope in your heart
Even away from me still
You would know what I do

That you would get
Everything you always wanted
As the place I'm in
Is much better for me to give

I get why you shut me out
I see clearly in all of that now
I understand it
As I am living it too

The kind of love we share
Is by far the hardest
It's the most scary kind
The kind you run from

It's the most intense
The most fulfilling
The most patient
The most accepting

It doesn't need us to change
It's only desire is we bring out our inner most truth
Be who we really are
As for it to truly work we must be

It doesn't work with lies or games
It doesn't work if we pretend
That we don't want each other
And this has always been our problem

As for me, hurting so very much
From all that happened to little me
I was never able to unleash
The intense passion I have for you

And you, hurting but healing
You were always afraid
That you would break me
So you constantly held back

Probably the cause of most of it
I think somewhere you decided
I didn't really love you
But I do

As this kind of love is just too consuming
Soul aching
Life fulfilling
Right to the center point love

There's no escaping it
Or changing it
Or getting rid of it
Only learning to let it be

It's the worst kind
And the best
When we are honest and loving
It's all you could hope for

When we play games
Or put up walls

It doesn't work
It shuts us out
It fails
It sucks-big time

It's only when we are
At our best-full self
Complete in our own self
Bringing everything good in

Only then does it really shine
That I remember
That I know was real
It still is

It's harder than other kinds of love
As it requires full honesty and authentication
To work and then it does
It runs rings around other kinds of love

The kind whose so easy to forget
Or the kind that lets you be what you are not
The kind that doesn't require authenticity
And lets you sail over life and love

Our love is the hardest
It takes the most to make it work
Cause the bullshit doesn't fly
When hurting people only have lies

It's amazing and fulfilling too
If one can learn to just be
Why is that so hard
For you and me? 

This scary intense love
Makes me afraid too
I run from it
From you
How I really feel about you

I run everyday
Trying to get away
Move anywhere you aren't
Leave-oh please!

Because I never wanted
Anyone like I want you
I never felt totally complete
Like when you are near

I've also never been
So haunted
So hurt
So confused
So broken hearted
So afraid

It's too much
I try and make my life over
Try and remove you
But it doesn't work

I only forget to breath
I forget to have feelings
I don't remember life
I disappear my self

To remain anonymous to love
It's not perfect
In fact it truly sucks
But it gets me by

I even pretend
Oh I've gotten better at that!
That it's what I want!
That I am better off!

But honestly
If it were true
You would disappear for real
Instead you linger

Why do remain?
What is your part in all of this?
I assume you also pretend

I think you're better at it then me
Always were
I remember

The way your fear sent me away a thousand times
Oh those were the days
Young and foolish

You fall into a deep pit
Of absolutely perfect love
Encompassing and surrounding

It asks for nothing more than gratitude
And to let it be 
And all you can do is claw each others eyes out!
Smile and Laugh

Fight and run away
Still running
It's been over 12 years now
We still act like we are in our 20's

It's ok
I needed time
A lot of it
To see me

In that time
I saw you
It's ok
I am not afraid like before

I just realize
I wouldn't love you
Unless you also loved me too
So it's ok

I have dealt with stuff
Working hard to keep it up
Recreating my life
Putting all the pieces right

The sharp memory of you persists though
The love I feel abounds still
The ache and haunting you bring
Keeps my eyes open

I guess I'm learning to be grateful
As if it were over
-like you pretend-
It would be over

After five years
This I know
I could never sustain this kind of love
All on my own

It has to be intertwined with you
But hey I won't share your secret
I also won't come for you
You are safe

From this scary awesome love
You constantly flee
I am enough for me
And hey your still with me

So just let it be known
I know
You know
I am not playing the game anymore

You can however
Do as you please
Keep running

I think it's good for you
To try and ground yourself
In the ground
I think it's great

Still trying to remove me
Still pretending you love her
Grey covered skies
Grey covered life

Blah is all that is
Not enough
But you know that
And don't care

Ok it makes me giggle
I have to admit
Cause I am right!
We both know it!

Smile :-)