Thursday, October 18, 2012

Open Eyes Shut

It doesn't matter anymore

Nothing does 

People come 

People go


I am still here

You are not

You left

But didn't take yourself


I can't see a reason

Why I should continue

Why do I go on wanting more?

It seems so pointless


I don't want to come out

Not any longer

I just sit inside

It doesn't bother me


Not anymore

It used to

When I had hope you cared

It used to drive me crazy


But too much has happened

Too many have fled

Or disappeared

Too many are unable


Unable to be who I need

Why do I think they will ever be?

They have failed me so many times

I just don't fall for it anymore


Not like I used to

But still I seek

Answers don't come

They don't flood my mind


Except for you

You sit inside still

I made you leave

You won't


So I locked myself out

I can't look at you 

Not anymore

I can't look


I can't feel my own heartbeat

I can't decide what is important

I feel lost



I am sure I am missing out

I know there are things 

That I feel

That are important


But I don't know them

They aren't obvious

They are hidden inside

They aren't seen by me


Am I sad?



I just don't know


It doesn't make sense

But it is what I must do

So I don't feel the overwhelming love 

I have for you


I try to move forward

But the circles still persist

I try and leave

But am still glued here


The fucking irony

The fucking point

It's all lost on me

It doesn't seem to matter


You would say 

I haven't changed

Or am still the same

You can't deal


But you would only see

What it is you want to see

That is normal for you

Doesn't make it true


Rotting in my prison

You left me here

Just so you could play house

Pretend you don't care


You act like you are right

And EVERYONE else is wrong

You can't even face the truth

Won't face it


Cause it faces you

But I am left to remember

And you wonder why I don't blink

Why I shudder at the mention


I can't look at you

But still can't look away

I force my heads movement

Turn turn turn


I make my eyes shut

You only appear inside

I walk away

You follow me


Is this still really my fault?

It seems I am not the only one

Who can't let go

Can't walk away


It's obvious you see

Cause if you did let go of me

I should be able to leave

But I can't 


With every ounce of try

That I have inside

It only depletes me

Leaves me left to deal


I push forward alone

And your right on my heels

I can't break free

I try and try


It only takes me around

Up and down

But always I still come back

And you are staring at me


Stop fucking staring

Or at least say hi

Apologize for what you did

Admit you were very wrong


But that never happens either

It's just in my mind

I create these moments 

They create me at times


Where you are actually human

Like real and giving a shit

Like you used to be

Like the woman I know 


But it doesn't happen

You aren't there

So many have joined you

Was it something I said?


It just doesn't matter 

I am trapped

You did it

I am helpless to your will


You hold all the cards

I am out of options

Nothing left to play

I can only sit and wait


If you would just look

And truly see me

You would see

I am still exactly what you need


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