Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Twisting in the Wind

It is ok for life to suck
If you are living it fully
It is going to be hard
You will have to overcome

It is easy to pretend
That everything is perfect
Easy to put on a happy face to the world
Be that nothing is wrong

Forget about your problems
Ignore what you need to let go
Not focus on you
Resist dealing

But you miss out
On life's true beauty and fullness
When you do that
And nothing really changes

You just think it does
You can fake it till you think you make it
But you won't get there
Not that way

Facing the trueness
Being life is sweet
Chaos or peace
It can be what you are ready for

Life can be both
Beautiful and dark
Both at the same time
And it is ok

I am alive
I am awake
I am aware of both light and dark
And choose to see the beauty

Sometimes when I don't see it
I admit that can be true
But it doesn't take me long to find it
And that is something new

It only depends upon what you commit
As if you are wanting to hurt or suffer
You will always find reasons
It will be in your face

But even though I still hurt
I still also work through it
I see beauty in the darkness
As I am supposed to

It changes me
It makes me whole
I learn from who I am
Life is good to me

I am here

Loving and learning

It is often hard

But I endure

I see who I am

I be what life has to offer

I am getting outside myself

I am finding my own peace

Even though life is troubled

I can still be happy with me

Even though what I really want

Is still Twisting in the wind

I am learning

How to be with myself

How to see myself as I am

It is good

If instead I would have chosen

To ignore the gentle pull within

I would most certainly have avoided myself

Done anything to keep it quiet

Including involving someone else

Anyone to distract me

Keeping me from dealing

Life is easier that way

If I would have

Jumped into any relationship

Just to pass the time

Or fill my bed for filling sake

I would have never seen me

As someone would always be

Blocking the view

And I would not have progressed

It would have been easier

Sure, but

Not better

Not right for me

But instead

I took a very long and hard look at me

Something that can't be side stepped

Or shortcutted

It can't be ignored

Or hurried through

You have to take the time

If you truly want to be happy

You have to learn

To truly love yourself

And focus on the light

Through the trees

And there is a time

And a place to do that

And when it comes calling

It's best to seek it

I took the road least traveled

As I was searching for me

That I cannot do with another

Truly find myself

I am stepping on all the stones now

Not just the pretty ones

Some are sharp

And they often cut me deep

Some stones are reflective

They show me a bit more of me

Some stones are hard to deal

And I often find myself lost for a bit

It is a long process

And after the life I had

Something I needed to face

And learn to be at peace

And while life still has it's ups

And it's downs

While I still am learning

I am still alive

I am not the same person

I am not in the same pain

I can hurt

And I can smile

I am love

I see I need to let it be

As when I cover it up

It doesn't go away

Letting the love

Fill me inside

Feels so good

So complete

I see that's really all I need

All I wanted

And that I actually did

All on my own

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