Friday, July 17, 2015

Broken Walls

Like ashes in a fire 
White and blue

Unlike red flames 
It's hotter than 
It used to be
But still don't notice 

Crackling (like a fire)
It makes its self known
It doesn't ask for attention 
It also doesn't hide 

It used to be 
Quiet and hidden 
Like a swinging door
Far away  

It was understood 
But able to be smothered 
Pushed and pulled 
Back and forth 

It didn't have a say
It just was 

A contradiction  
Like both sides 
Up and down
Left and right 

I always felt 
Somewhere lost in the middle 
Hoping for a change 

From what was real

Keeping myself 
Fed up

I didn't have the courage 
Then and maybe not now
I can't find my feet 
Squarely on the path 

I never could 
It's why I run away 
Even though I didn't want to 
I still don't 

It's not secure 
All so up in the air
It feels so unwanted 

I am terrified 
It's not like a book

Words on a page 
Words in my mind

It doesn't spell out success
It means more turmoil

Facing dead on
Directly what I want 
What's inside 
The truth behind the lies

Getting serious about it
Who I am 
What's to come 
What's for me 

I wish it had a bell
I could ring 
To call it near
Bring it here

Cut out the middle man
My fears 
My mind 

Make it all go away 
Like a town 
Under water 

No drama 
No playing 

It's not like I expect anything 
Or even have the will to hope
Not fearless 

Means I am 
On the right track
And now I have to
Look back 

At what's always been there 
What I wanted so long ago
And I have to allow myself to have it
Let my reality change 

And get what I was supposed to
What I threw away 
It was wrong of me
To expect it

To think it would all just 
Go away 
Like clouds drying up
The rain is done 

But it's not
I just have been 
Under an umbrella 
Unable to see it 

Or notice
How I never wanted it to

What I wish has been there 
Deep inside its been clear
I just didn't have hope before 
For myself 

So I held back 
Keep myself to myself 
It has gotten me nowhere 
I can't leave this place 

I stay

I keep on 
Shielding myself 
From internal screams 
Unable to face it 

I have ran out of road
Trying to go the opposite way
Always a dead end before me
But I just kept on and on 

Fucking crashing 
Into the walls ahead 
But they never give way
They persist too

I can't break them
Even though I try
It changes nothing 
Stronghold unbreakable 

Only the ones inside 
Come apart 
And something else 
Comes alive 


Depressed I often feel
When I am going the wrong way 
I am forcing an outcome 
That isn't right 

But I do turn back
Knowing my mistake 
It doesn't keep me from trying 
To get around another way 

Like an old memory
Repeat the same things 
It's so engrained now 
Like a man made lake 

But it's time 
Time to go 
Time to be 
Time to shine 

Time for me 
Changing lanes 
Not going that way again
But how do I move past it?

It's not yet clear 
It won't be 
So I will take it slowly 
Something creeps 

I won't second guess myself 
Or turn and flee 
Just step by step
My true life awaits

I know I'll find a way
Even though I cannot yet see
It makes sense 
To do this now 

I am finally strong enough 
It took forever and a day
For me to be ok with myself 
Be open to who I am 

I feel like there is 
So much more for me
Like limiting yourself to playing in just a bucket 
When you have the whole beach

I'll take that step
A little lean
And hopefully it will be 
What the new life I need 

Friday, July 10, 2015

Darkness Consuming

Vast consuming darkness
Takes over 
Makes a good try
To get you enslaved 

If you let it 
It will have its way
Snuffing you out 
With all the gray

It will make you think
It's you 
It's your fault 
But only darkness lies that way

Looking past it 
You find the truth 
Keeping your eye on it
Makes you stronger 

Sitting in the dark
Waiting for a glimmer 
To shine the way

Does it even matter anymore
My heart is again in pieces 
The way it's supposed to be 
I guess 

At least it's how 
People think 
Fear behind pretense 
Life behind walls

It's not like it didn't just happen
Not like I wasn't affected 
Maybe I should be grateful
People are so screwed up

Does that make me safe?
The damage has already been done 
It's a rotten world
And keeps getting confirmed 

Knowing I deserve better 
Knowing this doesn't make it easier 
It doesn't have to be that way
If unconsciousness didn't ruin the day

My heart bursts with pain
I am not happy 
I am glad to be alone
It's so much better than all the games 

I don't want them
But not this way
The truth should have a say
Still hoping it finds its way

But crazy lives a long life 
And fights for control 
I don't expect crazy to let go
Like I didn't expect I would 

But it's the way it is 
At least I am no longer tied 
Tied to the way it was
Tied to the lies unreal 

Taken off the shelf 
When wanted near
And put back in my place 
When it got too real 

Kept at arms length 
Just to fulfill 
That piece inside 
That didn't accept the lies 

The part that knew the truth 
That needed the moment to be real
But fear has a way 
Of taking over 

And I give it up now 
Letting go 
Is good and right for me
It's not like I need to stay 

Outside the walls I am free
Outside the walls is my life 
I have been let go
And the bounty is right there 

I can fly away 
Without ever looking back 
It didn't have to be so wrong 
So right 

I just couldn't pretend anymore 
For peace makings sake 
It could have been received
A better way 

But it's not how it goes 
It makes life unknown 
And I carry on
Still carry on 

Not like I am accused
Of the crime I committed
Was telling the truth
Speaking out against the dark 

And it's only those who are hiding 
That hate the light 
Only those who are criminals 
That hate the law 

It's only those who don't want truth
Who lie and lie 
And when you speak out against it 
You are tied at the stake 

But it doesn't make them right 
It doesn't make you wrong 
They still choke on their shit 
No matter if you're alive or not 

So I would rather be viewed as dead 
Than dead inside
As I can be happy 
Once the fire subsides

The smoke will eventually clear 
Life will go on
I don't regret that 
I don't regret choosing what I want 

I don't want to play along
Keeping myself small
Just to get along
It's harder than this 

Harder than life 
I just wish being banished felt better 
Being betrayed has more delight 
I am however, strong enough