Friday, July 17, 2015

Broken Walls

Like ashes in a fire 
White and blue

Unlike red flames 
It's hotter than 
It used to be
But still don't notice 

Crackling (like a fire)
It makes its self known
It doesn't ask for attention 
It also doesn't hide 

It used to be 
Quiet and hidden 
Like a swinging door
Far away  

It was understood 
But able to be smothered 
Pushed and pulled 
Back and forth 

It didn't have a say
It just was 

A contradiction  
Like both sides 
Up and down
Left and right 

I always felt 
Somewhere lost in the middle 
Hoping for a change 

From what was real

Keeping myself 
Fed up

I didn't have the courage 
Then and maybe not now
I can't find my feet 
Squarely on the path 

I never could 
It's why I run away 
Even though I didn't want to 
I still don't 

It's not secure 
All so up in the air
It feels so unwanted 

I am terrified 
It's not like a book

Words on a page 
Words in my mind

It doesn't spell out success
It means more turmoil

Facing dead on
Directly what I want 
What's inside 
The truth behind the lies

Getting serious about it
Who I am 
What's to come 
What's for me 

I wish it had a bell
I could ring 
To call it near
Bring it here

Cut out the middle man
My fears 
My mind 

Make it all go away 
Like a town 
Under water 

No drama 
No playing 

It's not like I expect anything 
Or even have the will to hope
Not fearless 

Means I am 
On the right track
And now I have to
Look back 

At what's always been there 
What I wanted so long ago
And I have to allow myself to have it
Let my reality change 

And get what I was supposed to
What I threw away 
It was wrong of me
To expect it

To think it would all just 
Go away 
Like clouds drying up
The rain is done 

But it's not
I just have been 
Under an umbrella 
Unable to see it 

Or notice
How I never wanted it to

What I wish has been there 
Deep inside its been clear
I just didn't have hope before 
For myself 

So I held back 
Keep myself to myself 
It has gotten me nowhere 
I can't leave this place 

I stay

I keep on 
Shielding myself 
From internal screams 
Unable to face it 

I have ran out of road
Trying to go the opposite way
Always a dead end before me
But I just kept on and on 

Fucking crashing 
Into the walls ahead 
But they never give way
They persist too

I can't break them
Even though I try
It changes nothing 
Stronghold unbreakable 

Only the ones inside 
Come apart 
And something else 
Comes alive 


Depressed I often feel
When I am going the wrong way 
I am forcing an outcome 
That isn't right 

But I do turn back
Knowing my mistake 
It doesn't keep me from trying 
To get around another way 

Like an old memory
Repeat the same things 
It's so engrained now 
Like a man made lake 

But it's time 
Time to go 
Time to be 
Time to shine 

Time for me 
Changing lanes 
Not going that way again
But how do I move past it?

It's not yet clear 
It won't be 
So I will take it slowly 
Something creeps 

I won't second guess myself 
Or turn and flee 
Just step by step
My true life awaits

I know I'll find a way
Even though I cannot yet see
It makes sense 
To do this now 

I am finally strong enough 
It took forever and a day
For me to be ok with myself 
Be open to who I am 

I feel like there is 
So much more for me
Like limiting yourself to playing in just a bucket 
When you have the whole beach

I'll take that step
A little lean
And hopefully it will be 
What the new life I need 

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