Saturday, September 19, 2009

I don't need

Sep 19, 2009

I don't need a place to hide
Someone to make the pain subside
I don't need a fight
I don't need lows or even the highs of life
I don't need a distraction from who I am
I don't need a girlfriend to be happy
I don't need anyone to call
I don't you to tell me how awesome this poem is
I don't need to be told I play beautiful music on my violin
Or paint my soul and it inspires the beauty within
And I don't need to be treated like a queen
Or be told how creative or awesome I am
It doesn't mean I don't want these things
But a want is never a need
So when I say I don't need
I am happy and fulfilled first by me
I don't need to be loved
May sound crazy but true
As all I need to do with my heart is use it
It's what it's for
I am loved
Loved by many
And The Light too
And so why would I need what I already have
What I do need is to love
Be happy within me
Be at peace
And be aware of all the moment brings
And that doesn't require another
It just requires me
To be open and aware
Of all I see and what is iniside me
I know my only true purpose
And the one that brings me the most peace
The place I feel most happy
Is when I am loving all I see
As when you love
Give it without any expectations
Or doubts
Or reservations
Or Restraints
And most definately
Guilt trips
And manipulations
Give it for free
And freely in massive amounts
And let it be with that person
How it is
As it may not look like you want it too
Or think it is suppossed to
And it might not get recieved well
Or in a way that is pleasing to you
They may not return it
Or say what you want
Or even what you think you need
They may do nothing
Don't be offended
Or hurt
Or anything like that
As the real reward is in the giving
And if you can look at love
Like a gift that goes sour if you hang on to it
And the only way to recieve the benefits
Is to in every moment let it go
Free it
And you will feel free
Give it
And you will feel it too
It is way better than
Expecting something in return
Or forcing and outcome
Or not giving it because of all the reasons why
And if you start the reasoning
You can come up with too many
And they serve no purpose
So let them go
Give love from your soul
True happiness and peace will follow
Health in abundance too
It's just who we are
Who we were created to be
But in a negative world
Hate is easier
But it destroys us
Love fills us up with what we need
And keeps us strong and healthy
It makes all the wrongs right
If we let it be

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