Monday, June 13, 2011

Where are you?

Where did you go?
I saw you yesterday
I thought, anyhow
I can't find you now

You have disappeared from my sight
And left only my feelings behind
But your smile haunts me
Your silly grin, your laugh won't leave me alone

Did I make you up?
Was it all a dream?
Do you really exist
Or is that the dream talking

Your beauty beckons me to remember
But I feel so lost
I feel so caught between this dream
I am not sure where I am headed

I remember so many tender moments
So many that could've happened
And now that I am changing who I am
I want those moments back

But you're gone
No where to be found
I can't see you
I don't know where you went

It saddens me
As I see the blurry image
Of what used to be
The love between us

And I guess for me I hope I did dream you
As knowing you exist in the world
Makes it very hard for me to be right without you
Even though I am trying

What a dream it all could have been
Life gets too damn much in the way of living
And I wish I knew then how to remove all that I didn't want
And just keep you, next to me

Soft and tender
Cuddled in our embrace
Not wanting to let go
Passion flaring

It's ok
I think I did dream you
You are just too good to be true

You don't believe me
I know you don't
But I can see past who you are not
Into who you are

Can you?

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