Sunday, August 21, 2011

Meta Making Me

I am changing again

Becoming less apart of this world

And more and more

Who I really am


I am not so concerned

With the small things

Or things bodily bound

I look up more instead of just around


I keep my eyes  focused on what's right

Although I still question things I can't see

Trying to remember

My eyes will always deceive


I am changing again

I am not apart of the crowd

And I am not supposed to be

I am only me


I don't need to belong

People don't notice anyhow

As long as you act the part

They don't even see


Often not even looking past their own nose

Their only concern

Is only them

Everything else merely a dream


It's the ugly side of humanity

The one I don't like to see

As if I really cared

I'd be in trouble


Why is it so hard

For people to go against the crowd

Everyone's afraid to be different

Afraid to stand out


Then when someone does stand out

They get in trouble


Taken out


I know what's expected of me

People make it known

I put on my mask

Even if it's not my own


I let so much hurt me

So much get in my way

I let it linger for too long

It wouldn't go away


It has been shown to me

I have the true power

If I let it be

Let it be


It's always been there

Deep inside me

Working in my favor

Even though I didn't know it


If I only see what they see

Focus on what's wrong

Not seeing love through the faces

Beauty in my life


Like leaves on a branch

That can't be seen

Cause the tress blend into one

Making everything appear to be


Looking so far away

Like at a picture

You can't begin to understand

It looks one way but is really another


I see the crowd

How it looks

And I let it consume me

For a moment


And I think I am better than them

I am learning how to fly my own kite

Even if my life is still scary

I can do it


I have the power to make miracles

And I shuck it to look good

Or let my fears win

Or tempt fate


Pointless it is

It seems like the hardest thing

To just go with the flow

Learning its not me anyhow


I always have to interrupt it

Make it stop

Like I will be better off

Or saved


But inside the moment

Is something special for me

Truth that I can use

To make miracles be


Like a fast moving river

Life is pushing me down

Cutting into my life

Making things right


When I turn and hide

Or stop the flow

I only stop me

From becoming all that I am


Great things are up ahead

For this I know

I just have to let my fears go

And live my life


The awesome part is

I can do it all and never leave my seat

I don't have to chase life

It will chase me


I know how to handle the storm

I can sail my ship through anything

I have learned how to rely on me

I have found a way to let the last be


I know my best life is waiting for me

To uncover all of me

I know it's just around the corner

Bidding its time


Waiting for me to see

Waiting for me get it

At the right time

It will approach me


In step with who I am

Walking as one

Me now

Me before

Me then


I will make it all be

I am no longer willing

To let it go

I am going to fight


Make it all as I know it can be

This is my life

It is my destiny

I will not run anymore


All the doors will be opened

In the right time

When I need

Until then I need to let it be


Right now

I only need to focus on

Changing me

Seeing me


Letting me be

As I truly am

Deep inside

Everything is already right


The path laid before my feet

Is right for me

I know I wouldn't be headed here

Unless it was right


I want to be here

It is a gift

I accept that

I am grateful


My life is built best for me

I am the only one

Who had been in my way

Ever have


And the more I change

The closer I get

To all I am

To being here


Free to enjoy life

The right one for me

Without all the past

Bringing me down


What I have learned

Is worth the whole ride

And what's next

Is worth my life

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