Monday, August 15, 2016

Spiraling Unknown

Sexually numb
But your insides blaze
A fire you try and ignore 
Saving your grace for kinder days 

Not really lonely
Just alone 
Better this way
You tell yourself 

And you remember it's not
Happening right now 
And in the past 
It always ended really badly 

Trying to see through the black
Into something worth fighting for
Doesn't make it easy 
To keep looking 

Knowing your justified in your causality 
As someone has to protect your heart 
Someone has to guard the fences 
March the perimeter 

Walls are standing for a reason 
Too many have taken off 
With valuables of the land
Too many have ignored 

And that time has come to an end
No more empty promises 
No more of what will be 
It's a mirage of nothing

So for the walls to come down again 
It would take a mighty soul
To see beyond them 
That is mostly what is required 

Although people are too lazy
And too concerned with themselves 
So the gold and jewels beyond the border 
Are safe from all intruders 

Sighing keeps it securely in place 
It doesn't want to found 
It doesn't need to held
It doesn't need to be loved 

And it's ok
As its so much better than 
Fighting others for the sake of it all
Love is just not worth it 

No one has ever said different 
And what can be said
Is not enough to go on 
Or trust 

Engaging a lie 
To win a life 
To complete a supposed tale 
That's just pretend anyhow 

I am better just like this 
People don't understand 
They think something's wrong 
But I remember 

All of them 
In their imperfect darkness
Their rotten lies and withholdings 
Always saying how I wasn't the one 

I don't need to hear it 
I don't need to be it
I don't need to find anyone 
Or be anyone 

I am going to change
All of this shit 
And when I do 
It will be me who shines 

Not them and me
Just me
It's enough 
It has been 

I won't search for someone who is like me 
Compliments me
Attracts me
Intrigues me 

Fascinates me
Thrills me
Turns me on
And complicates my life 

I shuck it to the side 
And step forward 
Not caring anymore what I leave behind 
Or what that means either 

It's all about me 
And that has become enough 
Closes the door 

I like it that way 
It's easier 
And I still have all of them
Who stir the ashes

Igniting the slowly dying embers
So they never completely go out
And remind me to keep moving
Even if I don't want to

Instead of a personal tale 
I let strangers do it
They push and prod my buttons 
They get the rise I need 

They are safe behind their plastic screens 
They let me feel and see
But it's safe 
It's right and ok

I don't have to commit 
Or make space 
But they do their job
And I learn and get touched 

By that invisible hand 
I love so much
It never stings 
But will still make my insides ring 

Peering through the wire 
Seeing only what I chose to
It's all a mirror anyhow 
And I can turn off the lights 

I can walk away 
I don't have to fight 
I don't have to over come 
The terrible ache and pain inside 

I can just step 
This time I do
One two three
It's a way to be 

It's not perfect but 
With someone else it gets real bad
I don't have to suffer anymore 
I don't have to run for my life 

They have already taken off 
With parts of me
Already tried to snuff out my fire 
But didn't 

I can burn 
Hot ablaze
In secret 

Without shame 
As I am in school
Changing my life 
Trying to move 

A list of things
To be accomplished 
Before I meet it
And that is good 

As I only hope 
If it ever has to happen again 
It will find me 
And I will be open when it does 

April 16, 2016

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