Thursday, August 27, 2009


She's had me by the neck for so long
That I am all she can see
She can't truly see me
Or herself

But she see's me as herself
And in the tunnel in her mind
She sits in darkness and fear
Sits holding onto her lies

And the choice is clear
She could come out into the light
But she is afraid of what she might find

And dealing with her
Is not a known choice
It is always someone else that must be to blame
But that person is no longer me

As I have now fallen from her grasp thankfully
And may I find the peace I need
To do with myself as I see
As I know right now she is not good for me

When your fears come inside
You blame me
But your anger and your blame will not keep you safe
As safety doesn't lie on the outside

You can't touch me with your lies
Because I know the true power inside
And while I do not see this evil as you
All you still see is me

And one day
With effort you might be free
But it will never be about me
It is still and only just about you

You say all sorts if lies
And I am struck with this awesome sense of dejavu
As I have heard it all before
And I know this empty rhyme

If things were so so so fucking fine
How could that be?
As I know the real you
But you forget the real me

As nobody has it all
And while I remember a tale not so tall
One where you beat me black and blue
With your evil words and lies

But I guess that was just me?
My fault, huh?
I suppose you were lost at sea?
With only me and that was the true problem?

As I know the real you
And this sort you have become, is not her
She sits deep inside now
And yearns to be free

I don't want to let my anger just be
So I let it go
And you hurt me so
But I love you still

And where
Oh where does that leave me
As I am not the point
Love is

She is not at fault
Her granpa is
And I yearn so for her to be free
Wondering if she still yearns for me?

But clearly the only choice for me
Is to let it all fucking be!
And so much regret!
And pain so strong!

I would do all I could
To change this song
As it hurts me
That she hurts

It hurts her
That she hurts me
And all I want now
Is healing and for us to be free

And I love her
But she doesn't see it
And I see the true person she is
I wonder, does she?

Aug 26 10:14 pm

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