Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Confessions from my vagina

A knife rips
Through the very part of me
Screaming no
Although no one hears

Something is stolen
Will it ever be returned
It doesn't seem the type to make deals
Everything burns

Lost inside my confusion
I peek out to see
But they have not gone yet
What do they want from me

My head is spinning
My life gets turned around
The path that I was headed for
I am no longer bound

Skewed is my very mind
Everything is wrong
I don't understand
So I relent and leave

Shutting down
All of which I was going to be
Seeing it all for what it is
Something torn out of me

I am not growing up to be
Beautiful and healthy
As was promised
All I know has been ripped away

And older I get
The more dismay I still say
When does it end
I know I have suffered enough

Shutting down
To keep what is left inside me still
Knowing that I won't
Make that same mistake until

She comes deep inside
And makes everything new
It all begins to release
Which terrifies me

But in spite of all my fear
I get happy deep down
In my inner most part of me
And that never leaves

Not understanding it
I try and remain still
But nothing works

She finds her way deep inside me still
I try to block every exit
I hole up in my cave alone
Eventually she goes away

I am not sure anymore
If that was the point
I am just understanding now
I am just starting to see

But what I want
Or what that means
Doesn't stop confusing me
Even though it should

I live with the fear
Until the moment of release
And I bleed it out of me
With my sweat and tears

I can now finally breathe
In and out
Like I never knew
And this is my true virtue

I am healing deep down
Where it hurts the most
It is changing all of me
I am finally feeling like me

And when I touch myself to see
I feel the most awesome release
As I am not afraid to be seen
And something amazing changes inside me

My whole world is a new
And what was impossible before
I look now through brand new eyes
And what I see comes in right

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