Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Video killed the woman inside

What can be done
We've come undone
And we've let it happen
We've let them take from us what we hold dear

We started to rise above
Rise against their masculinity
Their oppression
Their suppression of who we innately are:

Then Beautiful
But never just a body

We are more than a body
We are a mind and a soul
We have desires, thoughts, cares, deep feelings, wishes for the world
around us
We want things for ourselves too

We go after them
Strive to achieve
Run for President
Give it all we got

We were never meant to
Be how they make us seem
We were never meant to
Do the things we do for them

We are more than
Legs in high heels
More than
Target for champagne or sperm

We can't be undone forever
As we have a core strength inside us
Among us all
And we will rise above

But the reality now is
Not as pretty as we want it
The reality is terrifying and unjust
And the Media has made it seem to be

It has taken from us
Out of our own hands even
Taken who we are
And removed everything but our naked bodies

We let them take our virginity
For three minutes in front of a camera
We let them have sex with our minds and our ideals
Until we didn't know who we were anymore

We let them run the show
We got in line to be a sex symbol
Nothing more than a body
No brains, no heart, empty

How little we MUST think of ourselves
How much contempt do we need to spew on our own souls
Before we've had enough
Before we can love ourselves again

We let them tell us who we are
We let them dictate what we deserve
We hold their dicks so they don't have to
Nothing more than a prop

Why do we all agree with how it is
Why do we let ugly ass men
Like Nelly or Limp Biskit
Tell us what we want or who we are

Why do we allow them to create a national image
One that teaches our boys to become heartless rapists
And our girls empty holes for which men stick themselves in

As women are depicted time and again
As ravenous beasts who only want to please men, any men
Women are depicted as empty and without desire for herself
We apparently have no feelings
Apparently we can't feel pain

And we all let it be so
We all just agree it's ok
We do by our silence
We do by turning away

And we might have well as said
Let them take advantage of us
Serve us for dinner
Well we need to say something else

We need to stand up for our rights
We need to say no
You can't throw meat at my ass
Even if that means I must get off the tour bus

I mean were you really happy anyhow
Are you happy with champagne or booze being poured on your body
Are you happy being used like a blow up doll
Are you happy really happy being a prop

You see I doubt it
And I bet you don't really want it
I bet you just put up with it
I bet you just don't know how to say so

Don't we fucking matter?
Don't we deserve more?
I am not a hole for fucking ass Snoop Dog
And Limp Biskit can fuck off too

The time is now
And it will be
If I have anything to say
This is going to end

Where is my feminist movement?
My comradery
My companionship
We can do so much together as women

Women have always had to fight
Our great grandmothers fought for us
And we must pick up the banners
We must fight for our great granddaughters

We can't let it end here
There will be nothing left of us if we do
Those power hungry men will take it all
It is already happening

We are powerful beyond our wildest imaginations
We need to band together once again
We need to assert our minds, our hearts
And that we won't be used anymore

There is strength in numbers
We can say no
This will change
All we have to do is stand up

Stand up and face it
Stick up for who we are
And what we really want
Stand with me

Stand here now
If we all realize how we are not standing
Than we won half the battle
It starts first with us, in our minds

I know for me
I am not going to let anyone keep me down
As I have seen the true beauty inside
And that can't be snuffed out by any of you

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