Wednesday, December 17, 2008


What is it?
Is it a place you go to when you die?
That's what religion teaches us. But if that were true, how do they explain the fact that Hell is on Earth. That I know over the course of my life I have been in Hell numerous times.
What do the Theologians say about it?
Or do they just talk in circles and quote the bible?

Hell is when your grandfather uses you with his ugly parts.
What in the hell was I being used for?
Hell is when every boy you meet thinks you are a new ride at six flags.
Like who are they kidding.
Hell is when you can't say no to some of them.
What the hell I am doing?
Hell is when your relationships crumble because you can't find the beauty inside you that everyone you ever met has tried to kill.
Sooner of later you stop fighting them and give in.
Hell is when you can't sleep, get up early, can't eat, and are afraid that anything good has long since passed you by.
Don't I deserve something more than all this Hell?
Hell is the topic of conversation looped for the personal satisfaction of someone you can't stand.
Why can't I find anyone who sparks my interests.
Hell is having every one around you suck you dry.
I am nobody's door mat
Hell is not being able to break free from your self imposed prison bars
I can see out, but I can't get out
Hell is being completely in love with someone and unable to show it
When I break free from these chains, you will see what I mean
Hell is when you get close to what you want and it is taken away

From the way I see it, Hell is place to be visited time and again on Earth and Hell's Demons are never far away, either

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