Sunday, June 7, 2009

All about me

Everything I feel
Is about me
Everything I say
Is about me

Every bit of anger
Is about me
Every bit of sadness or self pity
Is about me

Every twinge of fear
Is about me
Every ounce of pain
Is about me

Is about me

And all the same is true for you
About you
Everything you feel, do or say
Is JUST about you

As if you are angry with someone
Take a close look at yourself
You will find the cause of your anger
Hidden inside you

And with that cause of emotion
Comes a choice
One that you can make different
If you know what you are choosing

The feelings, thoughts and actions
That you experience
Are all connected to
They all stem from and are caused by you

I am angry for instance
At people who kill and eat Tigers
Makes me mad
Very fucking mad

I want them all to die
Choking on their gluttony
I am so mad
But truly I am not mad at them
It is just easy to point my finger

As they are the ones doing it
But truly I am mad at me
Because I feel powerless to stop it
And I believe I will lose and they will win

If I believed instead for example
That they were stopping the poaching
And the Tigers were flourishing
I would not be mad at them

Or if I believed that I could make a difference
And stop the path of destruction
I would not be mad at them
While I am working to change it
I still am afraid they will win

Most anger or all anger, covers up FEAR
So if you are angry
And can be brave and notice the truth
It will give you power and choice

Everything we think
Everything we feel
Everything we do
Is about us

No one else can truly be blamed
We are 100 percent in power at all times
Even if we don't see or believe it
It may be easier to shun the responsibility
But it is not true

We are responsible
Doesn't mean we are to blame
No one has to be
As blame is a negative power trip

But life happens
So what do you do when someone pisses you off
I would suggest that you breathe
And take a moment to see

And ask yourself "who or what am I really mad at?"
And if you can be honest
You might see
That the answer is not so terrible

But you have the power and the choice
To NOT let it disrupt your life
And rob you of the pain and happiness
That is there inside hiding under the anger or fear

And if you can recognize it for what it is
And make better choices
Other people won't control you anymore
As your emotions will once again be your own

And you will have the option
To choose what it is that you really want
And you will stop reacting And blaming
Which I find very ugly and unattractive

Like when you didn't see a car as they came out of no where
And you cut them off on accident
I mean you are human and make mistakes, it happens
And they flick you off, yell fuck you bitch and honk and are a problem for the next four stop lights
So tacky, get control of yourself people!!!!

Well in my opinion, those people are not mad at you
They are mad at themselves because they didn't see you
And because you might have come out of nowhere
And they could of DIED!!!

And they did die
In their mind
And that is where the fear comes from
But fear is scary and anger is easier

So blaming you is the best option
And they could have learned so much
In that tiny fraction of life
But they chose instead to harass you

And that negative shit they spew
Truly only hurts them
So instead of flicking them off too
Let it go and time will get them in the end

And if they decided differently
And turned their mean attention to them
They could confront their fear of death
And maybe even found a way to get peace with it

Or at the very least could have been positive to you
People are not awake
They walk around dead or asleep
They don't even know what they do

Dead for being in so much pain
And asleep by not caring or wanting to change
It is evolution or extinction
You either change and grow
Or it is over

As when someone hurts you
You experience pain, most often
We are told from childhood to get hurt and angry
As it is what our parents learned

Did you ever hurt yourself on an inanimate object when you were young
And someone held you
But told you to hit the "whatever" because it was "bad" to you
That moment taught you many things

The first was to be upset and hurt
The second was to get angry at the perceived cause
The third was to enact revenge for release
And all of that you were told would make you feel better

But you could have been taught a different way
One that brought about happiness
They could have taught you that in that moment you were hurting
The pain is real and they could have consoled you

Then they could have shown you how to get over it
How to choose a more productive way
One that brings joy from within
One that does not rely on getting revenge

As all life is truly a choice
And we don't know that
So we can't choose
We are locked inside this way to live

But how do we feel better about it?
We choose it
How do we get past something?
We forgive it

How do we find peace?
We let go of the anger
How do we heal our hurts even the scars?
We love them and ourselves

It's all a choice
Problem is we don't know we can make a different one
The only one running the show is us
Not even God, they gave us free will

It is just you
You who decides you are not happy
You who decides you can't lose weight
You who decides you have to be alone
You who decides it is better to spew shit and lies about other people then to deal with yourself

And the same is true for me
And everyone else on this planet
We are all connected
We are all the same

And that is truly the point
One that goes unseen and overlooked
But there is true power in your love
And true misery in your hate

And if you get that
You will be happier
If you understand that
You will find peace

You decide what kind of life do you want to live
What do you want to give the world
And you're not as bad as you might think
So I suggest you choose with an open heart and let go of all the rest

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