Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Forgiveness sake

Over looked

Deserves it's true credit
As the power from forgiveness
Is unmatched and mighty
But it has such a bad rap

People think so many things
Things that are not true
They don't get the full power if it
And how it helps you let go

They think Things like
"Forgiveness means to say you are sorry."
Or "Forgiveness means to say the other person is right."
Or "forgiveness means to say whatever they did to you was ok."
Or "Forgiveness is letting them get away with what they did to you."
But none of these are true

If I slapped you and ran away
Being angry at me
Would not hurt me
But it would hurt you

That negative energy
You have for me
Hurts you first
And doesn't really affect me

But if you could let that slap go
You might find you could be free
From me hurting you
And you hurting me

And that is the point
The point of it all
It is a higher form of love
And one that is important

As going through life and holding it all inside
Is an awful way to live
And it creates too much hate
And jealousy or revenge

Sickness and Illness
Both physical and emotional
Cancers and disease
I believe is mostly caused by keeping it inside

As all those and other negative things
Will hurt you first
Long before they hurt me
You just don't see it

Probably because you are too focused
On what was done to you

As your revenge is not better
And two wrongs never make a right
But what you can't see
is the negative impact on you

Not even when bad shit happens
Do you see that it was because of what you did
You only think life is shitting on you more
Trust me as it had all happened to me

Let go
Say "I forgive," with each pain or hurt
That includes yourself too
Even when you can't believe or see a way

Forgiveness seems to be the hardest
And there is not a lot of teaching about it
It is not widely understood or talked about
And most people don't know how to use it

And sometimes if you can forgive others
You might not be able to forgive yourself
And you might not see you need to
But forgiving ones self is crucial

Sometimes it is important to do first
And it might clear a path to forgiving them
As a whole lot of the time
We are really mad at ourselves

We vent our anger at them
It is always easier to tear down someone else
Then to look at ourselves
But it is more fulfilling to see inside

You can't ever change another
But you can change yourself
And you are worth the fight
So I suggest you give it your all

Forgive with a tender heart
And all your pains will be revenged
But not by you
Karma will get them all in good time

And you won't have your hands dirty
No blood will be spilled on your account
And you will feel better for it
Try it and see for yourself how freeing it can be

People often feel
That forgiveness is giving in
They often think they can only forgive
Once the wrong was righted

But forgiveness is righting
Those wrongs yourself
And giving you what that person
Could not

Sometimes people want to give you more
But they just don't have it
Many people are broken
And they can only give you what they have

But you don't have to take
Everything so damn personal
As maybe the only thing that is truly about you
Is how YOU feel and what YOU do

People often misunderstand
Their own feelings
As they don't see how their anger
Or fear hurts them first

As I know that
It might seem like
It is up to you
To refute what was done

But if you let it go
I assure you
All hateful things
Will be returned to the one

It is as simple
AS the laws of nature
As for every action
There is a reaction

For every negative action
There is a negative reaction
And every positive action
There is positive reaction

Which side do you want to be on
The giving and receiving good
Or the giving and receiving bad
As it is truly a choice you make

And I know for me the burden
Of carrying someone else's shit around
Gets heavier and heavier
And I don't want it

So I choose to step out of their negativity
Like I am taking off dirty pants
And I won't pick them up again
As no matter what is done to me
I deserve more and that is why I choose to let it all go!

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