Saturday, December 19, 2009

Not a word

Not a word is said
Once their minds are made
And not another thought is given
Once the tracks are laid

Eerie and stoic life becomes
As how can you NOT say another word?

Don't you want freedom?
Peace and completion
How can you carry this shit/the past
And NOT EVER look back?!

How can you contend with the lies you spin
Sitting in your own web
Waiting for it to do you in
And of course for it all you blame me

Like you were my robot
And I had the remote
And I made you do all sorts of evil
But you don't see it that way

All because things you didn't want to hear
Were said anyway
As you can't handle your own life
So you can't listen to an outside view

Things are said
It doesn't mean you have to respond or act
In fact, a truly responsible grown up
Knows how to LET shit go

And if you don't
You only can look to yourself
As it is your decision to hold onto it
And it DOESN'T FUCKING matter what I said

If you get upset over things people say
You spend your whole life reacting
Or you corner yourself in
And can never come out

But an easier way
Is to ignore or let it go
And they are actually options
That YOU can control!

Children blame others
They even blame inanimate objects for their pain
They don't see how they had a role
In the fact the corner hit their toe

But an adult will recognize
That if they had moved a little to the right
They would not have been in so much pain
They see they have a choice

And adults that are truly grown
Also learn how to let the pain go
Children don't get the difference
So I guess we figured out what you are

Not to be rude
But after 13 years
Walking away
And sending a one line text

Is pretty fucking childish
Selfish, stupid and not right
And all I wanted to do
Was leave love and completion in your sight

As I am not like you
I don't want to be
I am much better than that
I can find love still

I can give it
As hardness of heart and lies and games
ONLY affect me
And I KNOW I deserve better

Maybe you don't
Maybe you feel so shitty about yourself
Maybe not
I don't really care anymore

I am just going off on how you act
Mean and childish
And a sad sorry sight to see
Glad I don't have to anymore

And here is a tip
If it leaves someone hurting or scared
It is evil you are bleeding
And you can run, but not hide

As your own shit
Will get you in time
And you can try and blame me
But it will never be my fault!

As you did the walking
Over what
I still don't know!
As you can't even say so!

What a fucking waste
And most definitely a shame
But while you carry it and me too
I let the past go and move on

How can someone walk away
Over mere words
Simple words
A, E, I, O, U and all the constants too

How can people let what is said
Dictate what they do
Or how they think
It just doesn't make any sense

At least not to me
As I am a different type
I can see past the lies and pain
In to what is real

I suppose it is embarrassing
To change your mind and all
But when your heart breaks
Do you mend it or put it away?

As if it were me
What I was doing
Leaving over something stupid
Would break my heart

So much that I would want to make a new start
Put the past where it belongs
Safe and snug and right
And keep it there as not to fight

And start new
Laugh and sing
And move forward
And let the past be complete

But other people
Are NOT me
And while I can see inside
I don't understand, at all

So I wonder
I ponder and I think
What would it be like?
If that were me?

And it is hard for me to know
But I feel the anger screaming through the walls
I feel the pain tumbling on the floor
I see the hurt crying out of the eyes

I feel the room fill up with pain and regret
I see the desire to make things right
I understand the wish that all was not said
Because they cannot forgive

I sense the regret
And the way too much pride
I see how fallen people can be
And in time I wish them to truly see

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