Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I am untapped
Sexually charged
Passionately filled
Ready in wait

I have reached a plateau
And am where I have been trying to go
I am there
I am here

I am this moment
I believe
I see
I am love and light

I am unleashed
To be just me
A rare commodity
A precious stone

I am ready to go
To let all my pent-up-ness go
To be opened like a flower
And sucked on sweetly

I am ripe for the picking
Nothing to overcome
Nothing to see
As I just need to be aware

Just be me
Me, who is now
Not me yesterday
As that girl is gone

I see her like a faded memory
I get who she is
I know she is not me
I have no regrets about this

I am opened up
Like an old creaking door
That never thought it would emerge
Never thought it would be

I am new
I am old
I am me
And that is what I love most

I have spent most of my life
Imprisoned by my fears
Shut down
Lonely on purpose

I have been wrong
Created much drama
Much separation

But none of that was me
I am beautiful and kind
Talented and passionate
In love with me and my life

I have been let go
With an early parole
I am ready and unleashed
But in no hurry

As this moment is right
It is perfect and kind
I am just there
I see it, the top

And sometimes
It means you need to be about others too
I get I am here
But there is still much for me to do

I am responsible
For what takes place for me
But also for people in my life
Ones I most hold dear

As I do play a role with them as well
As I am willing to give
Not just receive
And I think it is truly about that as well

I am excited for my future
As I look on I see what I want
I feel happy to know me
And to love me

I feel cherished by those who know me best
I do not feel beaten down any longer
I feel like I have risen above it all
Become who I was meant to be

I have such gratitude for everything
Hard and horrible that I had to go through
Tough and dirty that showed me who I am
Painful and stretching that showed me the way

I accept it all
I invite what I most want to happen in my life
I embrace not just who I am
But also who I am becoming

I am me
Wonderful and beautiful me
And I am satisfied with just that
And I am ready for so much more

Ready for all I wanted
But never thought I could get
Ready for all I needed
But never could ask

I am on fire
Sweet and sensual
I am passionately ablaze
Inside my delicious form

It is the most amazing feeling
To know you have worked so hard
For a year and half at something
Something, many things, me, my life
That you never thought you would get to

And it is amazing to finally be one
One with who you knew you would be
One with what you saw would take place
Inside, I mean
As I knew that was the point

What I most worked on changing
As the outside looks so similar
But it doesn't matter
Hasn't in a while

The outside is easily changeable
It's the inside that you have all the hard work
But also all the control
And when you change that
The outside changes too

I am raw
I feel Intensely able
I have seen my Intelligence and strengths
And I feel Imaginatively me

It is so good to be here
And I am so grateful
For all the hard shit
I went through

As without it
I would not know myself
Or love myself
Or be myself

Things happen for a reason
Even the hard stuff
And the unthinkable
Serves it's purpose

As now I am self sufficient
Something I always wanted to be
I not just take care of me physically
But emotionally and mentally

And all that had to happen
To bring me here
Was worth it
Even thought it hurt and was hard

And since I arrived
I am ready for what's to come
Excited about my next journey
As it is about to begin

And whence I used to be afraid
Now I am not at all
But instead I am boldly walking forward
To meet my sweet future

I receive everything I ever wanted
As knowing I can have it
Makes it so
And everything was worth it to get me here

Life is what you make of it
Things happen that we are ready for
And it isn't until you get that
That you can have it

It is why I will always be grateful to my hell
As it taught me most what I don't want
And most what I do want
And with both of those I continue to climb

Up the next mountain
On to my next journey
As life doesn't stop
Because you have arrived

As you have always been there
And seeing that was also the point
But lessons keep coming
And I take them all in stride

With my overwhelming love and gratitude
I keep hiking, but not alone
Starting the new year off right
Just in time to greet 2010


Changes over time
Make it all possible
And I believe everything I feel is right
And the truth will not be a surprise

I am worth it
I deserve it
With acceptance for me and my life
And I am ready and excited for all that awaits

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