Saturday, April 25, 2009

Always hope and heres how you can help

So I learned at a scientific conference that the Polar Ice Caps are melting fast, but there is growth. All hope is not lost. There is still time for us to do something and make changes.

So if you are interested in living as one, instead of just for one. Would you join me in preserving the planet.

As we are all connected, what you do to me affects you and me and what I do to my neighbor affects, me, him and you and vice versus.

The world is changing and it is not looking good for anyone including us and so we must intervene in the global warming crisis, the deforestation of the worlds precious oxygen makers and stop all these useless killings so we can have a world left that is fit to live in.

As tigers, cheetahs, lions, jaguars, leopards, crocodiles, wolves, tree dwelling animals, bears and all sorts of other animals are disappearing at an alarming rate, mostly due to poaching or unnecessary slaughter and habitat loss/destruction. While their homes are destroyed for deforestation mainly from things that are easily corrected, like instead of buying trees, buy Bamboo or recycled paper products. This is a great start.

Here are also some tips, things maybe you didn't know.

Buy recycled paper products.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, also means to buy recycled stuff. It is an easy transition and Costs much the same.
Whole Foods has a 365 brand that is recycled and cheaper than Charmin, which seems to be a global fav.
Trader Joes has a very good price on their paper products as well, and I know most of the grocery stores sell recycled paper products too.
Check it out. Buy it. Please.

As the alternative is horrible, like for monkey's and organtans, they are loosing their homes at an alarming rate and the parents are shot and killed trying to protect the babies and then the babies are carted off to be sold killed to the highest bidder on the black market to either be slaughtered for meat or be a show puppet, either way it ends badly for them.

It is a simple thing to change the world, but you have to care and be willing to change yourself, not someone else. It starts with you, always has.


Meat is destroying so many things, from our precious grasslands that used to house millions of wildlife to the methane gases created by the cows butts and such. Methane is also created when you use plastic bags. When the plastic bags heat up from the sun with all of your trash in them, they react to the trash and create Methane Gas. Possibly the worst gas for the environment.

Meat is not good for humans, we are not carnivores our bodies require greens, vegetables, grains, protein, fruit and fresh stuff like that.

Protein-the idea that you are getting it from the animals you eat is not entirely true.

When you eat an animal most of the time it has been raised in a factory for slaughter under inhumane conditions, and most of the animals are sick or dying then you consume these cancerous beasts. Stop to think what these sick animals might be doing to your body. I mean if we get a wrinkle we freak out, but we don't care what we put inside of our body.

Well first off, the protein that comes from meat is not that good for us. It has its own DNA and our bodies have to find a way to use it, which is difficult. The protein from plants, veggies, grains, fruits, matches our bodies exactly.

And the piece of cow, you call a steak has to rot in your stomach for days until your body can digest it. Then you only get a small bit of protein from it and the only nutrients you get are from the cow eating grass or usually grain since they are kept in a factory without grass. It is a harmful and useless way to eat. Cut out the middle man and eat the veggies yourself.

Pigs will kill you, are killing you and they are so smart, smarter than dogs and deserve more than what they get. There is really no nutritional value of eating animals, but we keep on doing it.

You think chickens are safe, but they will cause you cancer along with the rest of the farm and are not much better for you.

Red meat will kill you first. From Heart disease to high blood pressure and osteoporosis. Cancer is also a risk. There are so many risks involved and it is not just better for your body to eat greens and such, but it is better for your soul.

Plus from an energy perspective, all that negative energy is going into the cow especially at the time of its death and then you consume all that negative energy.

And what about the animals being slaughtered for fur?

It is as heinous and unnecessary as it should be. Stop it. Don't buy it. Don't buy fish from Canada until they stop killing baby seals. Rabbits are also a target. Many people don't know that this is still going on, it is getting better, but it is not over yet.

(What they won't tell you.)
If you stop eating all cooked foods including meat, cancer cannot live. But they don't want you to know that. So they don't tell you. They only fill your veins full of poison and most times you die anyway. Well there is another option, no one knows it and the doctors aren't saying anything and so I think people are afraid to try it. Think for yourself.

And keep in mind it is harder to change your religion then the way you eat, but it can be done. Baby step, by baby step.

One of life's little convenient tools that is killing our world.

Plastic bags are a bad thing, but they convenient so they persist. I don't use them for anything. I compost my veggies and such and use a trash can without a bag. I love it. It saves me money too and I am helping in a small, but important way.

It is not hard to put your stuff in a reusable container and cut out plastic all together. The average person consumes (eats) pounds of petroleum (plastic) a year from things like chap stick and lipstick. Plus overpriced tap water in that plastic water bottle leaches plastic into your drink and you ingest it.

Cheese and Milk

If you consume cows breast milk than you are getting just as much "PUSS" as you are milk from the scabs on the utters as the pumps are torn off or the utters are overused and the scabs form that way. It is sick, but true.

Plus the protein from milk is not that good as it is fitted to the particular baby cow, just like your mom's breast milk is fitted for you.

And there is numerous alternatives from almond, soy, hemp, rice, oat, hazelnut milk and I am sure many others. I make my own almond milk and love it. It is so nice to eat cereal that is not full of negative energy from another being.

Plus, cows breast milk is so fattening. We are a fat society and only getting fatter. If you are trying to lose weight I would suggest cutting down the dairy.

Fast food

Cut it out all together. Possibly the worst thing you could do to your body. The worst thing you can do for the planet and its inhabitants is eat fast food. PLEASE DON'T! It is fattening, low in nutrition and they put chemicals in it so you will be hungry and buy more and also so you will be addicted to it. All they care about is money, they do not care about your health.

They are calling all the shots, pullling all the strings, how long are you going to let them control you!

McDonalds is the worst. They are destroying the Berring Sea from over fishing. 66 percent of the fish in the Berring Sea are now gone and the fish can't reproduce fast enough. The Seals and Seal Lions and other Sea Animals are starving to death.

All those animals are dying because Frozen Fish Sticks and McDonalds Fish Sandwhich.


About how many McDonalds there are in our country alone. There is one off most highway exits, many streets have two or three of them. Add that number state wide then country wide together with how many there are in the world and that is alot.

To many. And they have an awful affect on our environment and our world.

To many places, restaurants, grocery stores, and such have such a high demand for meat. It is everywhere you look. That meat has to come from somewhere and those animals were probably raised in horrible conditions and there seems to never be enough for the American Appetite.

That includes Fish.

Cut back. Eat meat once or twice a week. Eat Fast Food Never!!!!

I will put out more information at a later time. I don't want to overwhelm you.

Thanks for listening.

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