Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Mirror you
Mirror me
You see me
I see you

This mirror seems to have one face
One that keeps us apart
One that keeps you from me
And one that keeps me from you

I have seen myself in you
You have seen yourself in me
You are here
I am there

But we aren't ever now
If your coming
I am going
And it feels like it has been that way for quite some time

I don't want a mirror
To learn me
I don't want to change you either
In hopes that you will see you

I am sure that served it's purpose then
But now I want that to change
As all I want is you and me
Not be so estranged

I love you just as you are
Flaws and all
That's how I love me too
And I always have

It was never you
It was never me
I did not like
It was just the abuse inside

And I think we used the mirror
To find and release the abuse
That is why you say
You go left and I go right

But it was never intentional
On either side
It was just what takes place
When you want to change the inside

As I think that many times
People use someone else
To elude them to what is there
As people generally don't know

And things have such a way of hiding
Deep down below where no one knows
So it makes sense life would bring about
Someone like you so you can figure yourself out

Which I think is a great thing
As learning, I believe is the point
And we need help to navigate this life
As things are hard and scary sometimes

But I personally feel now
That now that is done
And I don't need to be mirrored anymore
As I am good on my own

I am ready to take on myself
I no longer need or want any distractions
Especially those that keep me from me
Especially those that keep me from you

As I am strong and courageous by myself
And you are fierce and mighty
We are an awesome pair together
When the abuse isn't keeping us fighting

And I am grateful for the mirror
Especially those years where I couldn't see
And I know it was useful
And I learned so much in how to be free

But now I just want to be done
As I know there is so much more
Between us I know for sure
But the mirror just gets in the way

And I know that I don't need it
So I guess it has to go
How does one remove a mirror
Between herself and her soul?

And I know that the past being mirrored and all
Is not all there is as there is so much more
It is ONLY a part of our journey
And that is ok

Our journey is long
And many things will happen
And much we have both gone through
But I know loving you is most important

So if you just see it one way
A mirror perhaps
Then you are only focusing on what was
And there is so much more

We just have to look at it
It is staring us in the face
And let go of the past
And learn from that

As sometimes even though it looks a certian way
It is really something else
Just not something you can see
Or something you know

The mirror is many things
And we have been using it
To see how we can change
Trying hard to rearrange

And now that I know
This is another brick in the wall
Between us
I let this go

As I do not want
To mirror you
Or you to mirror me
I just want you


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