Thursday, April 16, 2009

Pushed out

Greetings from Hell!

This is hell you know. I don't ever expect my life to be easy or go nice for too long. As this morning I got the best surprise ever. A theft accusation plus three cop cars.

So this annoying client of mine is so needy and ridiculous.
He always calls me about five times before I arrive at his house, this takes place every three weeks. But this morning he was exceptionally weird and needy and I started to wonder what the hell was up.

As soon as I arrived he met me at the door and I soon found out why he acted so strange.

"Hey," I said.
No reply.
"I just wanted to let you know that we are terminating your services and I want my key back. Now. That is why I needed to meet with you. Can I have it back now."
"Sure." I took it off my key chain and he grabbed a business card and took down my license plate number.
"Why?" I asked puzzled and a bit hurt by his coldness.
"I think you know why." He said all cryptic.
"No, I don't a have a clue."
"Theft!" He said.
"What theft? I have taken nothing from you." I said.
"I think you know." Cryptic again.
"No I don't. I have taken nothing and I resent the accusation.
"Well I don't want to make a scene the cops have been called and they will show up soon. Are you going to wait for them. It would be best if you waited." He said all childish.
"I would like to know what it is that you think I have taken," I said.
"I think you know. I don't want to make a scene. I am going to go now in the house, but you wait for the cops."
And he left.
I was very upset being accused and the cops called and all.

I called my friend and she couldn't believe it either.
Never in six years have I taken anything from anyone while cleaning their house and never will I. I even place quarters or pennies on the counter.
The cops showed up and my client came back out side to watch, probably wants some type of justice or revenge on me.

I immediately asked the cop what was going on and was a bit excited and she started threatening to take me to jail if I didn't drop the attitude.
Attitude is not an offense that they can lock you up for, and I have never been one to sit and wait for the almighty person to inform me. People are all the same, no matter what they do. Nobody is my judge.

She asked me for my id and said I wasn't sure.
She told me to put my hands behind my back and we can handle this down town. I told her I might need to talk to a lawyer first.
She threatened me again.
Fucking people. All of them.

I showed her my id. It has the wrong address, but she didn't ask and I didn't want that baby to have my correct one so I didn't speak up.

Nobody still will tell me anything and the supervisor showed up and I was told he would have answers, but he didn't.
I was surrounded by three cop cars, like I had a gun and prisoner.
What a thought as if that had been the reality instead there was a good chance they would have shot me and killed me and I would be free from this hell.
But alas, there is no way out, but through.
And truth be told, I need to make an impact for the animals. I have so much work to do.

I was on the phone with my friend and she was asking me what he was accusing me of and I said to her, "I don't know he won't talk to me."

And one of the male officers said to me, "I won't talk to you?"
And I said "No" and pointed at the apartment.

I swear people take shit so personal. They are so insecure all of them that even if you are talking about someone else and not clear, if they think there is a remote chance you are talking about them, then they assume the worst.


So I finished taking all their shit and left.

I am still waiting to hear back from the detectives to find out what my fate will be. I also am pretty sure that since he has accused me of this, that I will lose his two friends as clients too. They are all connected. All the wives go to school together and I am sure he called them to "warn them" of what has happened.

So because they have misplaced something I am out three jobs. Or maybe the nanny took it and blamed it on me. Or maybe he can't afford me and doesn't want to look all sad and sorry. As I do know he is having trouble getting enough hours at work.

Whatever the reason, I am always such an easy fucking target. For every one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lucky me.
Isn't life grand. Always so grand.

Well. I was going to hang around this heartland but it only seems to be breaking mine. So I now feel pushed out. And maybe I need to just go. Money is not an issue for me, so I have to ask myself what is stopping me from leaving. As I did want to spend more time with my counselor and see my family one last Christmas while I lived here. But I don't feel time will wait.

And truth be told I want a different life.
One that is fulfilling not defeating.
So I guess it's time to start packing.
Moving day is coming soon.

And thank God too
As if I have to live this way, doing for others instead of what I most want, any longer, I will find a way to leave.

I will not put up with this reality anymore.
I want to go visit the ice shelf, Africa, and the rain forest and take many pictures and paint many things.

I just hope my life starts now.

Yesterday I was very upset and had felt very afraid at the encounter, as I have known this man for a while and he is a great husband and father and he was always good to me and good to talk to. But this came out of left field and it hurts me that someone I thought was good to me, would hurt me.

I wonder if the nanny took whatever he has missing. As I had to leave for an hour the last time and I wonder if she took the stuff and blamed it on me. I know I didn't, but I wish they will find whatever he has missing. As I would hate to leave this kind of energy behind me, even though it was not my fault.

You never know who is going to turn on you or when or why, but more about that later.

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