Sunday, April 19, 2009

I married my best friend

So I met my beautiful friend for dinner, like usual.

And as we were eating, I was discussing leaving the state and moving far a way.

"You are going to have to get used to it, it will be happening soon," I said. "Not to bring up a sore subject, but I don't want it to come as a shock when I drive away with a moving van."
"I know," my friend said. "I just hate the thought of you leaving."
"I know, but I hate the thought of me staying here cleaning houses for the rest of my life, hating and resenting my life and never fulfilling on my purpose. I don't want to move away from here or you, but I can't stay here and be happy for too long. I have way too much I want to do."

"I know," Care bear said.

"Why don't you move with me?" I asked.
"You know I can't drive over those mountains!"
"Yeah, but you don't have to. There are other ways around, plus you love Las Vegas and you can move there. Here let me check to see how long it is from Las Vegas to where I will be."

I pulled out my iphone. I was so against them at first, but you got to love the on the hand technology that solves so many of life's little problems.

"Five hours. That is not far. You can live there, you love it and I can see you on weekends and such. It is not bad at all. Care Bear, you know I can't live without you. Do you remember when you lived in Indiana and we were separated, it was horrible. Remember?" I said.
"Yes, that was awful.
"Ok then, it's settled! You will live in Las Vegas. Good. I was so worried about what was going to happen and this is the perfect solution. Awesome."

"I don't know. I want to go to school here and do so many things. I am settled and don't want to move," Care Bear said.
"But it would be awful to only see you a few times a year." I said.
"True," Care Bear said.
"So that leaves one choice, you have to move with me," I said.
"We'll see," Care Bear said.

"Care Bear, you mean the world to me. You have been there for me so much during this awful time in my life. Your constant wisdom and your support and faith in things working out for me, means so much to me. I don't want to live without you," I said, meaning every word.
"I feel the same way."

"Then I take you Care Bear as my life long friend, for as long as I live I will love and cherish you and will always be your friend. You mean the world to me," I said.
"And I take you Butterfly, as my life long friend for better or worse for as long as I live. I commit my friendship to you," Care Bear said.

I turned to Care Bear's boyfriend and said, "Seal it!"

And he looked dumb founded and found a few words and said, "I now pronounce you life long friends."

And the three of us started laughing out loud.

"That was perfect!"
"Yeah, right on key," I said.
"Yeah, I didn't know what to say, I was thinking 'you may kiss your life long friend, but that didn't seem right so instead I said, "I now pronounce you life long friends," he said.
"Which was perfect," I said.

We had a good ole time and I realized that life is short and it is best to commit and to marry even your favorite of all friends when the moment arise as life will always try to bring you down and tear apart the relationships that matter most to you. And if you let the dark forces win, you lose.

And I am grateful to have my Care Bear in my life and I will always cherish her. But I know I will never be without her, no matter where each of us lives in the world. As my life is taking me on a long wondrous journey and her life will probably stabilize her here, with her boyfriend, but we will be joined in holy friendship matrimony for life and for that I am satisfied.

I bet there are some people who think it is against God for Care Bear and I to get married, even in friendship because we are both women. And I would say to them, back off my life as what I do, and who I marry is only my business, not yours.

I know there is a group of Christians, many groups and even Mormons who are trying to tear up any chance of gay people like me getting married. And I would say that it is better for people to commit love, instead of committing hate. And if they were true followers of Christ they would love first and hate not.

As Christ said, "Love God, thy Father first and love your neighbor as yourself second."

That I try and do everyday. I do not interrupt another person's life with how I "think" it should be. I just love everyone and that includes me.

Let marry who wants and focus only on yourself and we will all be happier.

Plus, gays getting married helps us all. Positive is better than negative and people committing love is better than people committing divorce, which is probably over fifty percent for the group (man and woman) of people who can get married.

I saw on a talk show, that a whole bunch of girls married their own biological dad!!! And no one said to them, "Hey wait, that is against God!"

There were no picket signs or anything else. Ridiculous!!!

As it appears it is ok for a man and a woman, even if it is incestuous to get married as long as they are not of the same sex.

Crazy and it kinda debunks their argument and makes them look foolish.


I would say marry everyone, and don't let anyone tell you different. Don't let life or the dark forces tear apart your special relationships as they are worth preserving.

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