Saturday, November 21, 2009

Not again

I am not gonna go down that road
No I'm not gonna go down that road
As it takes me away from you
And it takes me away from me

It is an old and scary trail
One where we both fail
And it hurts just to take a step
So I decide to let it rest

No I'm not gonna go down that road
No I'm not gonna go down that road
As this new one is what I see
And what I want too

And this new road could have you on it
If you could learn to be free
Free from our past
Please just let it be

I am newly freed
And while freedom rings
It is alone
And my heart still sings your name

But you don't have to
No you don't have to
You really don't have to
But I want you too

As it is not just about me
Or my needs
Your happiness is more important to me
Than even what I see

But something deep inside
Is trying to be free
It pushes and pulls
And tries to come out

I try and ignore it
I have even made peace
I try and let it just be
But still persists inside me

So I'm not gonna go down that road
No I'm not gonna go down that road
As there is no point in doing so
Nothing to change

If I could get rid of you
I would still chose you
And I will never be that girl again too
But we can make it new

I will always love you
And this is not through
My heart stings for you
And this stings inside me

And my only choice
Is to speak my heart
But you don't have to listen
No you don't have to listen

So don't
But hiding it away
What will it change
It will still be, you and me

I had you
You know
Just recently
For a moment our love was free

Then you disappeared
And wrapped it all up with a bow and some string
Including me, you put me inside the box
And put it on a shelf

And now you don't look at it
No you don't look at it
But you can't take your eyes off it
As your heart doesn't lie

When you realize
People do change, I do
Than maybe you can see
That we can just be, love

As there's nothing for me to do now
No there's nothing for me to do
No there's nothing for me to do
But just be

Sept 17 2009 10:17 pm

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