Saturday, November 21, 2009


I can't trust my feelings
They are empty
Have no loyalty
They will turn on me if the right thoughts come along

Betraying me for the right price
I am persuaded out of being nice
I no longer believe what I used to
And decide to fuck the follow through

Giving up is easier
If you listen to your feelings or thoughts
As they are not stable
And change with the least persuading stimuli

And this is my down fall
As I have learned to depend only upon them
And when they are gone
I feel hopeless and without

I feel so empty
And like I don't know what to do
As they have always been there to guide me
But have betrayed me when it mattered most

So all alone
I have to decide
If I stay on this path
Or run and hide

As I know where it goes
And I know what I see
But before I had my feelings helping me
And now it is just me

Since I am not my feelings
I can look past them
And see the truth
But I am only learning to

My feelings may be hiding
But you my soul are not
And that is what I stand strong to
Firm and committed too

As within you is all the truth I need
All the answers that I cannot yet see
And this is what I am learning to be
A listener of you

My feelings tell me I am alone
They tell me I am wrong
And won't get the life I want
They betray my heart to bring me down

They screw with me
And throw my heart around
I feel empty and alone
But I don't have to listen

Can't listen
Not anymore
As shit only brings more of the same
So instead I will rise against

Strong and able
I will not fool myself again
As I know where that road goes
And I won't go there again

I will find the strength that lies deep within
To uncover what truly will be
And only inside that will I be free
Free to live a happy life for me

And I am done being a puppet
I got no strings
As I am done letting others pull them
And persuade me

So instead I will learn how to see
Around my feelings deep in me
And I will not sway or fall down
With persistence and courage I will strive

And in time I will arrive
I don't need a thing but me
To make this happen
As I already have everything

And in making this transition
I am opening up to a new me
One that can hear words that are not spoken
Deep inside others

I do not use my feelings
I listen to the flowing energy
I see what it says
And my ears are bigger for it

And I am learning what I came here for
How to be me
Without all the drama and suffering
Me just as I am

Truth is still and quiet
You have to stop to hear it
But you can
And I do

Amazing tales
Life lived right
I am no longer terrified
As I have always been

And whether it brings sadness or a grin
Sometimes that is the point
As if you aren't learning
What are you?

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