Monday, November 2, 2009

I am sorry

Sorry for what I said
All I meant, wanted to say
Was you have the space you want
It's ok

I am not upset with you
I miss you though
I really do love you
But it's ok

Ok that you need space
Ok that you are taking it
I accept that
Forgive how it went

It doesn't matter
But you do
So do what you need
Be happy and successful

And I am here
You are with me still
And everything will be ok
I am sorry for letting it get so far

I should have known better
Things were hard enough without involving them
And I didn't mean anything or try to do anything
I just got caught up in their drama too

I took my eyes off my business
I was wrong
Am sorry
I hope you can forgive me

It was so wonderful
To just have you there
I know things are tough
I know you are busy

But if we can just be friends
I needed very little
Very small amount as I have my own stuff too
Only what you could give

It's just so much easier
To be your friend
So I will say it
Please let's just be friends

It is harder on both of us this way
Let's just not have the wall up
And you still can have your space
Slowly it can be

That is good
I really am not asking for anything else
So think it over
And I won't give you a hard time

Nothing has been done
That can't be undone
It wasn't even our fight
It doesn't have to be ours

So if you choose to put it behind us
That will be great
If you need more time
I can wait

And you are always welcome
In my life
I won't talk about you
Won't let others talk about you either

Fear makes everything hard
I get you got scared
But I am not out to hurt you
I just want to be there

Support you
It was good at last

So please J
Let's not do all that again
It didn't get us anywhere we liked
Things will be good if we want them to be

Friends is right
What I see
And as before you won't have to do anything
We can just be

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