Saturday, November 21, 2009

Lying is the normal way

Life happens
Love is hard
Not suppossed to be
But we humans are messy

And since so
We often use fear to save what we cherish
We often use anger to keep people away
Love is easier

But harder
And so it appears like hate
Or fate
Pushing people away

Instead of just letting go
And being who you are now
It is "safer" to pretend
And to lie

And when you are told something
That you know for sure
You often don't know how
To listen to what you know

As it is opposite
It is contrary
Very contradicting
But not true

We are told we don't have the power
We are informed we need to follow
We think we can't do "it" alone
We are lied to

Believing is an important step
In what matters not
It is believing in ones self
That you truly find yourself

It is seeing you for whoever you are
And sometimes in doubt
Or dark moments that last
You uncover yourself

And that is worth it
But we are told to be afraid
Of all those who aren't us
And of all that stuff we can't control

But fear has no power
Other than to bring us down
Or keep us from ourselves
Or what we most want

And not many get it
And the ones who do
Don't know how
Or if they do they don't often tell you

And life is lonely
But you are never alone
There is no true seperation
And we are surrounded by many

What do we do?
We think we can't
Or shouldn't
So we don't

But we are powerful
Beyond our wildest imagination
We just don't know ourselves as such
So we carry on with lies we are told

And we all agree we should
It is easier to follow the crowd
Than to strike out on your own
But it is worth it

There is more to us than this life
Than what you see
So much that happens
Goes unseen

The mind can only register
With a small fraction
Of truth
And the rest gets discarded

So you can't believe your mind
It can jabber all day long
You can't believe your feelings
They change and subside

You can only believe you
You who is not your mind
You who is at the very core of your being
You the person, the soul

All the answers are down below
You only have to ask the question
And in asking
You get the answer, eventually

When you are ready to see
Nothing good happens until we say so
Nothing good happens until we are ready
Nothing good happens unless you mean it

As we spend most of our time
Most of our energy
On something we don't want
Something negative

And then we wonder why
It is such that
We get what we don't want
But we never see it was us

Us who was afraid
Us who day in and day out feared
And Spent countless hours believing the worst
About ourselves or each other

We let others take the power
Because we are so afraid
Even our government
Uses fear to rule us

George W
For instance
Was a fear mongering terrorist
And we all got in line to be screwed
I fell for it too

We did not stick up for ourselves
And our rights got taken one by one
And in some a handful at a time
Especially for people like me

We let them do what they want
Because we were too afraid to stand up
They used our hearts to make us behave their way
And we all got blind sided

And don't think that worrying is safe
It is the other side of a negative coin
It will hurt and harm you
Just like fear you need to let it go

Negative energy only has power
To bring forth negative results
You CAN not get good things
While you spend negative energy

If you want good
Think good
It is more than a law
It is an action for a reaction

It is common sense
It is truth at it's simplest form
It is easy, but the hardest thing
As the ego will fight you

It only knows what it don't want
And it is very protective of that
It works hard to believe the lies
It trys to convince us

The real enemy is inside
All of us
But we fight each other
We just don't know we never win

And we push away the ones we love
In an attempt to shut ourselves out
Whatever we do
We are still there

And we can't be ignored by us
And the brave face to put on
Is the one where we accept ourselves as we are
And in turn we accept truth and love

In us it flows
Out of us it flows
We try and stop it
But still it persists

And to come to terms with this
Is a powerful thing
And you have more strength than you know
So it might seem to hard

I assure you it is possible
Anything is
Everything is
All that you want or desire

We can do magical and extraordinary things
If you just give yourself a chance
And take the risk
And believe

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