Saturday, November 21, 2009

Love is easier

How do you hear something different
Especially when you have been told
How do you again listen
To something new

Believing what you know
Is hard
Especially when you have been told
Different for so long

Overcoming the words
To find a different reality
Is almost impossible
But it can be done

You have to work at it
Strive to achieve
You must keep your eye on the goal
Even though it remains unseen

It is a lot harder than one would think
But if you can overcome ordinary
And break past into extraordinary
Than miracles will come your way

And it can be done
Put your positive energy into each step
And put on your Imagination

It is easy for children to believe
Adults have been programed to not
If they could just believe
All would be possible

People don't want us to get hurt
They would prefer us to live safely
But I know that following ones heart
Might not be the popular way

But it is the happiest place to be
And I have many desires for my life
And many people I can rise above for
Including, always, me

How do you see past the world
Into anothers heart
How do you step outside your fears
To rise above for that same person

If you listen carefully
Your heart beats words and truth
And if you can hear your own
You can hear anothers

The impossible is possible
Truth overcomes all doubt
Life is stored inside truth
And you deserve to set it free

Believing in self is the hardest for sure
I can believe in others until I turn blue
But it is always self that gets the last look
And I think it is the best place to start

I am taking me on
For the last round
As I have come so far already
But still see road to go

As it is truly my mind
That needs attending to
As I am still easily swayed
Eventhough I have made much progress

The lies that I think
Are sometimes still powerful over me
And that is what I don't want or need
But I truly only have the power to change me

So begining with the first step
I will take the risk
And change myself into who I am
As that is all I really can do

As I no longer believe in the lie
That it is everyone but me
I do not blame or require
Another for my happiness

I cannot change you
Focusing on you won't make me better
So all I can do is change me
And then I have the real power

And if I am loving me
It won't be long before I am loving you
And that is the true point I think
Which makes sense to me

As it is not up to another
Blame or pointing fingers
Are empty excuses to not deal with thyself
But nothing can be solved through hate

It would be nice to learn to let others be
And I can do that if I am busy being me
And if you are busy being you
Then I think all would be possible

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