Monday, November 9, 2009

My Heart Cries

I turn my head

And watch you go

I smile

Though I already know

I turn to leave our place

I try to forget your face

I don't want to hang around for this

I need to leave please

So I turn to do so

And before I can

I feel the most overwehelming sense

You are coming back

I need to wait

Why is my fate

I just want to go

I do, really do

I ask

I plead

I beg to go

But the answer is just so

It comes up from my heart you see

And it cries for you

I feel it when I pose the question

I know it when I ask for it to be true

I think if I were supposed to leave

Then I am certian my heart would sing

It would gloriously send me in pursuit

I know this as I feel it answer me about you

And when she does

She only sings

When I feel love for you

Or choose you

She cries

When I turn away

Or try and run and hide from you

Which I often do

So with this truth

That I cannot deny

I will not make a decision

As it will all be told to me in time

I let you go free

And so I am in peace and harmony

As the moment will let me know

And anything else I do is protecting

And that is not good for me

As nothing is happening right now

That I need protection from

So at ease I will be

And I will not make myself wrong for trying to get away

When I knew I should stay

As when you discount your progress you are doomed to repeat it

And I am chose to be free of it

So I accept it as it is

Since I have learned this song

Now know it by heart

I let it be free inside me to do as it is

I will let it be

So my heart doesn't cry

And then in time

I will find what is right

It has taken me a long bit of time

To learn this

I refused to see it before

And slammed shut the door

Even though it caused me

So much pain

Heartache and unease

I still refused to believe

And my soul would alert me so

To what I already know

And I would turn my head ahead

As I rathered to focus on what I saw instead

But a long bit ago that was

And I have learned what to do

Do when I feel that suffering come up

As it is the same old feeling

Telling me not go that way

Telling me to stay put and wait

And when I do decide to do just that

Peace always ensues

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