Sunday, March 1, 2009

What do I see in my eyes?

Sorrow deeply rooted inside the darkest evils
Deep down sadness dwells
Evils comes knocking on my door
I shut it tight and try and hide

Who would you be without all the pain
She asks me
I know the answer without looking
I would be able to forgive myself

And just then I realize I need to
I had never seen that before
That without forgiveness for me
I can't move on

But it is not me whom I hate
I love myself fine
It is them whom I disgust in
I hate them all

I see them when I look in the mirror
I see him
I see them all
And the dirty traces of evil they left behind

I run from the pain inside
I want to understand me
I want to be free and happy
I want to be loved

But with this burden I am forced to carry
My life is set in stone
I need a Sword to break it up
And remove my soul

I think I might be a wonderful person
I think things could become right
But this pain draws me down
Deep inside the darkness and it hurts

I look deep within my soul
And before I know the truth appears
That she loves me still
And time is biding for me to heal

My eyes don't lie
My heart lingers there
But somewhere I am protected
Without all this fear

Living a life full of pain
Can't be understood until you walk this sort of plank
And I don't know another way
But long for the beautiful day

Seeing what I know in full Technicolor
Makes me cringe with disgust
At his legacy
Leaving it all to me

If I could stop I would
As this pain
And this life
Is just too much for me

But what a tragedy
That would be
As I have to believe there is so much more
Not just for me

So many I know
Almost every kind
Was hurt in an awful way
And now we are all blind

Deeply into the windows of my soul
What do you see?
Love, light, life, laughter

A brand new day
Comes on the gold horizon
And with it comes
A valiant queen and her steed

Deserving what is right
I shut out the night
Forgiveness transcends into light
And we all fight the good fight

And win!
Each and everyone of us
As no one gets left behind
Not this time!

I suppose belief in oneself
Is a bit of a requirement
But I have much belief in you
And offer it too

And we can get each other through
To a place filled with butterflies and fireflies
That dance together in the light
The love filled light

It is a sight to see
One you wouldn't want to miss
It keeps me moving forward
As it will be my bliss

Full of might and light
I am strong enough
To get me there
Where I will meet you, all

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